Flights bookable on Priceline

Fly nonstop on Etihad Airways roundtrip from JFK-Abu Dhabi for only $187! This is a really hot deal for anyone looking to visit the Middle East for a super low price on one of the top airlines in the world. Flights are available at this price for various dates through January and February. Earn double points with these bookings and all other travel bookings with the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card.

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There are other great deals including JFK-Hong Kong and JFK-Johannesburg via a stop in Abu Dhabi for ~$290!

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Flights to Johannesburg vary in availability between January and April and are usually for one week trips. Keep searching different dates to find a good, cheap flight that works for you! You may also be able to find flights from other cities in the US at significantly lower prices that the usual rates of up to $1000+. There are great deals on flights to New Delhi, Mumbai, Manilla and more! Good luck and YMMV!