by Julien Bortz | Jun 2, 2016 |
Credit to Secret Flying, there are some incredible fares to Asia departing from Los Angeles between September and December for as little as $463 roundtrip! I took a quick glance at the ITA Matrix and confirmed that there are still plenty of dates...
by Julien Bortz | Aug 18, 2014 |
I recently came across a cool new website called travelmob that started back in 2012 and offers luxury villas, condos, apartments, rooms, and more across Asia for very affordable prices. I traveled through Asia last year and the hotels started to add after a...
by Julien Bortz | Feb 16, 2014 |
No one likes spending their long layovers sitting in a stuffy airport terminal waiting for the next leg of their journey or for that departure board to cease its display of that dreaded “Delayed” in big red letters. There are ways to make your temporary...